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Players Statistics

This endpoint allows you to retrieve the statistics from players.

For the type argument you can search by: overall, home and away, but overall is most common type for this endpoint.

Multi-language: This feature allows the user to manually change the language of the API response by adding value to the lang attribute. Example: lang=en.

Pagination: The endpoint uses an offset and limit system. Specify the offset and limit parameters to fetch the desired range of results. The maximum and default number of results per request is 50.

Update Period: The endpoint is updated every minute.
Recommended Calls: Limit calls to 1 per minute.

Use Cases

Get statistics from a specific player_id{player_id}

Get top 20 players with most goals from a specific league_id and season_id{league_id}&season_id=eq.{season_id}&order=goals.desc&limit=20

Get top 20 players with most rating from a specific league_id and season_id{league_id}&season_id=eq.{season_id}&order=rating.desc&limit=20

Get top 20 players with most red cards from a specific league_id and season_id{league_id}&season_id=eq.{season_id}&order=red_cards.desc&limit=20

Get top 20 players with most yellow cards from a specific league_id and season_id{league_id}&season_id=eq.{season_id}&order=yellow_cards.desc&limit=20

Get top 20 players with most assists from a specific league_id and season_id{league_id}&season_id=eq.{season_id}&order=assists.desc&limit=20

Get statistics from a specific player_id and team_id{player_id}&team_id=eq.{team_id}

Get statistics from a specific player_id, team_id and league_id{player_id}&team_id=eq.{team_id}&league_id=eq.{league_id}

Get statistics from a specific player_id, team_id, league_id and season_id{player_id}&team_id=eq.{team_id}&league_id=eq.{league_id}&season_id=eq.{season_id}

Get statistics from a specific player_id, team_id, league_id, season_id and type{player_id}&team_id=eq.{team_id}&league_id=eq.{league_id}&season_id=eq.{season_id}&type=eq.{type}

Query Parameters
  • player_id integer

    Default value: eq.69502

    The id of the player

  • team_id integer

    Default value: eq.46638

    The id of the team

  • league_id integer

    Default value: eq.2856

    The id of the league

  • season_id integer

    Default value: eq.13070

    The id of the season

  • type text

    Default value: eq.regularSeason

    The type of the statistics

  • offset string

    Default value: 0

    Limiting and Pagination

  • limit string

    Default value: 50

    Limiting and Pagination

  • lang string

    Default value: en




Schema array
  • id integer

    The id of the player's statistics

    Note: This is a Primary Key.

  • player_id integer

    The id of the player

    Note: This is a Foreign Key to

  • team_id integer

    The id of the team

    Note: This is a Foreign Key to

  • team_name text

    The name of the team

  • team_hash_image character varying

    Possible values: <= 64 characters

    The name image of the team

  • league_id integer

    The id of the league

    Note: This is a Foreign Key to

  • league_name text

    The name of the league

  • league_hash_image character varying

    Possible values: <= 64 characters

    The name image of the league

  • season_id integer

    The id of the season

    Note: This is a Foreign Key to

  • season_name text

    The name of the season

  • type text

    The type of the statistics

  • def_assist_tackles numeric

    The number of defensive assist tackles made by the player

  • def_combine_tackles numeric

    The number of defensive combine tackles made by the player

  • def_forced_fumbles numeric

    The number of defensive forced fumbles made by the player

  • def_passes_defensed numeric

    The number of defensive passes defensed made by the player

  • def_sacks numeric

    The number of defensive sacks made by the player

  • def_safeties numeric

    The number of defensive safeties made by the player

  • def_total_tackles numeric

    The number of defensive total tackles made by the player

  • def_fg_blocked numeric

    The number of defensive fg blocked made by the player

  • def_punt_blocked numeric

    The number of defensive punt blocked made by the player

  • def_extra_blocked numeric

    The number of defensive extra blocked by the player

  • fumble_count numeric

    The number of fumble fumbles made by the player

  • fumble_lost_count numeric

    The number of fumble lost made by the player

  • fumble_recovery_count numeric

    The number of fumble recovery made by the player

  • fumble_safety_count numeric

    The number of fumble safety made by the player

  • fumble_teammate_recovery_count numeric

    The number of fumble teammate fumble recovery made by the player

  • fumble_touchdown_return_count numeric

    The number of fumble touchdown returns made by the player

  • fumble_out_of_bounds_count numeric

    The number of fumble fumbles outbounds made by the player

  • fumble_teammate_yards numeric

    The number of fumble teammate fumble yards made by the player

  • fumble_teammate_td_count numeric

    The number of fumble teammate fumble td made by the player

  • fumble_touchback_count numeric

    The number of fumble fumbles touch back made by the player

  • total_kicking_points numeric

    The number of kicking total points made by the player

  • pass_attempts numeric

    The number of passing attempts made by the player

  • pass_completion_percentage numeric

    The number of passing completion percentage made by the player

  • pass_completions numeric

    The number of passing completions made by the player

  • pass_interceptions numeric

    The number of passing interceptions made by the player

  • pass_longest numeric

    The number of passing longest made by the player

  • pass_net_yards numeric

    The number of passing net yards made by the player

  • pass_sacked_count numeric

    The number of passing sacked made by the player

  • pass_touchdowns numeric

    The number of passing touchdowns made by the player

  • pass_yards numeric

    The number of passing yards made by the player

  • pass_yards_per_attempt numeric

    The number of passing yards per attempt made by the player

  • pass_touchdown_percentage numeric

    The number of passing touchdown percentage made by the player

  • pass_interception_percentage numeric

    The number of passing interception percentage made by the player

  • pass_twenty_plus numeric

    The number of passing twenty plus made by the player

  • pass_forty_plus numeric

    The number of passing forty plus made by the player

  • pass_sacked_yards_lost numeric

    The number of passing sacked yards lost made by the player

  • pass_yards_lost_per_sack numeric

    The number of passing yards lost per sack made by the player

  • pass_first_downs numeric

    The number of passing first downs made by the player

  • pass_first_down_percentage numeric

    The number of passing first down made by the player in %

  • pass_passer_rating numeric

    The number of passing passer rating made by the player

  • pass_yards_per_game numeric

    The number of passing yards per game made by the player

  • pass_touchdown_interception_ratio numeric

    The number of passing touchdown interception ratio made by the player

  • rush_attempts numeric

    The number of rushing attempts made by the player

  • rush_fumbles numeric

    The number of rushing fumbles made by the player

  • rush_longest numeric

    The number of rushing longest made by the player

  • rush_touchdowns numeric

    The number of rushing touchdowns made by the player

  • rush_yards numeric

    The number of rushing yards made by the player

  • rush_yards_per_attempt numeric

    The number of rushing yards per attempt made by the player

  • rush_first_downs numeric

    The number of rushing first downs made by the player

  • rush_twenty_plus numeric

    The number of rushing twenty plus made by the player

  • rush_forty_plus numeric

    The number of rushing forty plus made by the player

  • rush_yards_per_game numeric

    The number of rushing yards per game made by the player

  • rush_first_down_percentage numeric

    The number of rushing first down made by the player in %

  • total_appearances numeric

    The number of appearances by the player
