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RapidAPI Authentication

You can see the RapidApi developer dashboard ( to learn about your subscription details: API keys location, analytics, billing settings and apps.

Click on the tabs on the left-hand side of the screen to get more information.

App Specific Analytics

On the RapidAPI developer dashboard, you can access analytics for every app in your account. In order to do that, click on the 'Analytics' tab of your app. The chart you see on the top of the page represents all the calls being made to all the APIs your application is connected to.

You'll also be able to see a log with all the request data. By filtering you can choose which APIs should be shown in the app.

You can view these measurements in every graph:

  • API Calls: how many requests are being made
  • Error rates: how many requests are error some
  • Latency: how long it takes to get a response to an API request

You can also change the time period you're looking at if you click on the calendar icon and choose a time range.

Headers sent as response

When consuming our API, you will always receive the following headers appended to the response:

  • server: The current version of the API proxy used by RapidAPI.
  • x-ratelimit-requests-limit: The number of requests the plan you are currently subscribed to allows you to make, before incurring overages.
  • x-ratelimit-requests-remaining: The number of requests remaining before you reach the limit of requests your application is allowed to make, before experiencing overage charges.
  • x-rapidapi-proxy-response: This header is set to true when the RapidAPI proxy generates the response, (i.e. the response is not generated from our servers)