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Matches Players Statistics

This endpoint allows you to retrieve the players statistics from matches.

Multi-language: This feature allows the user to manually change the language of the API response by adding value to the lang attribute. Example: lang=en.

Pagination: The endpoint uses an offset and limit system. Specify the offset and limit parameters to fetch the desired range of results. The maximum and default number of results per request is 50.

Update Period: The endpoint is updated every minute. Recommended Calls: Limit calls to 1 every minute.

Use Cases

Get player statistics from a specific match_id{match_id}

Get the best player from a specific match_id{match_id}&order=rating.desc&limit=1

Get player statistics from a specific match_id and team_id{match_id}&team_id=eq.{team_id}

Get player statistics from a specific match_id, team_id and player_id{match_id}&team_id=eq.{team_id}&player_id=eq.{player_id}

Query Parameters
  • match_id integer

    Default value: eq.13

    The id of the match

  • team_id integer

    Default value: eq.310

    The id of the team

  • player_id integer

    Default value: eq.539

    The id of the player

  • offset string

    Default value: 0

    Limiting and Pagination

  • limit string

    Default value: 50

    Limiting and Pagination

  • lang string

    Default value: en




Schema array
  • match_id integer

    The id of the match

  • team_id integer

    The id of the team

    Note: This is a Foreign Key to

  • player_id integer

    The id of the player

    Note: This is a Foreign Key to

  • position text

    The position of the player

  • won_contest numeric

    The number of contests won by the player

  • on_target_scoring_attempt numeric

    The number of attempts at scoring on the target by the player

  • goals numeric

    The number of the goals by the player

  • total_pass numeric

    The number of total passes by the player

  • accurate_pass numeric

    The number of accurate passes by the player

  • total_long_balls numeric

    The number of total long balls by the player

  • accurate_long_balls numeric

    The number of accurate long balls by the player

  • total_cross numeric

    The number of total crosses by the player

  • accurate_cross numeric

    The number of accurate crosses by the player

  • aerial_lost numeric

    The number of aerials lost by the player

  • aerial_won numeric

    The number of aerials won by the player

  • duel_lost numeric

    The number of duels lost by the player

  • duel_won numeric

    The number of duels won by the player

  • dispossessed numeric

    The number of dispossessed actions by the player

  • total_contest numeric

    The number of total contests by the player

  • challenge_lost numeric

    The number of challenges lost by the player

  • total_clearance numeric

    The number of total clearances by the player

  • shot_off_target numeric

    The number of shots of target by the player

  • interception_won numeric

    The number of interception wins by the player

  • total_tackle numeric

    The number of total tackles taken by the player

  • fouls numeric

    The number of the fouls made by the player

  • minutes_played numeric

    The number of minutes played by the player

  • touches numeric

    The number of touches by the player

  • rating numeric

    The rating of the player

  • possession_lost_ctrl numeric

    The number of possessions lost by the player

  • key_pass numeric

    The average number of key passes by the player
