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Matches Positions

This endpoint allows you to retrieve the player positions in the peach.

Multi-language: This feature allows the user to manually change the language of the API response by adding value to the lang attribute. Example: lang=en.

Pagination: The endpoint uses an offset and limit system. Specify the offset and limit parameters to fetch the desired range of results. The maximum and default number of results per request is 50.

Update Period: The endpoint is updated every minute.
Recommended Calls: Limit call to 1 per minute.

Use Cases

Get positions from a specific match_id{match_id}

Get positions from a specific match_id and team_id{match_id}&team_id=eq.{team_id}

Query Parameters
  • match_id integer

    Default value: eq.1

    The id of the match

  • team_id integer

    Default value: eq.4225

    The id of the team

  • offset string

    Default value: 0

    Limiting and Pagination

  • limit string

    Default value: 50

    Limiting and Pagination

  • lang string

    Default value: en




Schema array
  • match_id integer

    The id of the match

  • team_id integer

    The id of the team

  • positions jsonb

    The positions
